Administrator Guide 2017
Output to management reports package

Output to management reports package is a bespoke service that needs to be discussed with your magic5 expert before implementation.


Main screen for this action.  The items on this tab may vary depending on your bespoke package, but a meaningful description is always important to keep tabs on where your data is going.


A descriptive text to identify this action


This action will only be triggered if the conditions below are met. Leave blank if it is always to be executed.

Condition (1)-(4) If you wish to only run an action in a particular situation then you can use these conditions to specify them. The action will only occur if both conditions are satisfied. Typical uses are to only run an action or display an item if a particular answer has been given to one of the answers on the template.
For more help on using Display Conditions view the how-to guide.
Disable action

Tick this box to unconditionally disable this action.  This is the same as inserting a display condition that will never be fulfilled (eg. resultValue;xxx;equals;999 where there is no unique name of xxx).

Custom condition using 'and/or'

The text box under “Conditions (advanced)” allows custom conditions. These are tested in addition to any simpler conditions above.

If simple and complex conditions are both added then it will “AND” them together but each can be used on their own.


  • Each individual condition is the same as before (see above and how-to guide), but must be enclosed in square brackets.
    [condition type;unique name;test type;value to test] for example [resultValue;Priority;equals;High]
  • or and and test two or more conditions. NB. These are case-sensitive, OR and AND will not work
    • parentheses (curved brackets) give precedence to conditions. For example, to make A and B or C less ambiguous, use either:
      • (A and B) or C
      • A and (B or C)
  •  nesting can be used:
    • Surround each condition with [ and ]
    • Use lower-case or and and
    • Explicitly set precedence using ( and )
    • for example
      • ([resultValue;Priority;equals;High] and [resultValue;City;equals;London]) or (([resultValue;City;equals;Manchester] or [resultValue;City;equals;Leeds]) and [resultValue;Priority;equals;Medium])

See Also